
Values and principles


We ensure that lines of communication are established and maintained so that information, knowledge and practices are transferred effectively and capacity building of the workforce is improved and increased.


We treat each other fairly, value ideas and opinions and encourage grievances to be aired and mediated. We value our relationships, accept responsibility and fulfill any agreements we make.


We build trust with our Members and stakeholders by respecting confidentiality.

Teamwork and collaboration

Our staff work co-operatively in teams and share knowledge and skills within and between work units. We work closely with our Members and other stakeholders to build strong, supportive and sustainable partnerships.


We act ethically and professionally and in line with workplace policy and procedures. We imbed cultural integrity in our practices to demonstrate compassion and respect for our Aboriginal stakeholders. All meetings commence with a Welcome to Country / Acknowledgement of Country. We include our culture in everything we do.


We continue to advocate for sustainability and enhancement of our Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services to ensure health equality for all Aboriginal peoples of Victoria.


We acknowledge the role that past government policies played in creating injustice and wrongdoing against Aboriginal peoples. We help to set things right by assisting Aboriginal people to navigate the health system and so achieve a better quality of life.


We endeavour to:

  • speak good words
  • hear good words
  • see good things
  • think good things
  • achieve good things.

We believe that The Apology and the Statement of Intent are significant steps on a journey of collaboration between non-Aboriginal people and Aboriginal people working together to achieve health equality.