
RTO No: 20739

The VACCHO Education and Training Unit, is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and is registered with the Australian Skills and Qualifications Authority (ASQA) and complies with the National VET Regulator Act and National VET Qualify Framework. 
VACCHO assumed a training role in 2000 in response to an analysis of Aboriginal Health Worker training needs conducted in 1999 (Adams/Spratling). The member organisations of VACCHO (all Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services in Victoria) decided that VACCHO would deliver Aboriginal Health Worker training to its sector. VACCHO then became a Registered Training Organisation to deliver accredited vocational education and training courses.
Training delivery mainly consists of Aboriginal Health Worker qualifications. However we have recently broadened our Scope of Registration to include other qualifications. Over 95% of our students identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.