Get your breasts checked and protect yourself against breast cancer. Put your health centre stage by getting a free breast screen every two years from age 50. Regular breast screens are the best way to find breast cancer early and when treatment is most likely to be successful.
Oonah Aboriginal Health and Community services are coordinating bookings at BreastScreen Lilydale on 3 September. Your free breast screen will be done in a culturally safe environment with a female radiographer and will only take 10 minutes.
For more information contact Oonah on 0492 880 894.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women will receive a FREE beautiful shawl (below) to use during the screening that they can keep afterwards.
The artwork on this beautiful shawl ‘Bushflowers’ designed by the talented Yaggerah artist, Jenine Godwin-Thompson.
“Gurumba bigi – I am a Yaggerah Aboriginal woman from the South East Queensland area known as Meeanjin (Brisbane) – which means “place shaped like a spike”. During COVID I was looking through my travel pictures of when I travelled for work, nationally. ‘Bushflowers’ is burst of the many colours and varieties of flora we have on Country”