Policy and
VACCHO is a strong voice on the priorities and needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We develop clear policy priorities supported by effect advocacy campaigns to assist our stakeholders make meaningful change.
At VACCHO, we work with our Members to identify the key issues impacting Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) across Victoria.
We analyse the broader policy environment and work in-house to produce evidence-based policy position papers that underpin how we advocate for better health and wellbeing outcomes for the Victorian Aboriginal community.
We strive to ensure that the concerns of our Members are always on the policy agenda. We develop policy positions through Member engagement and consultation. Once a policy position has been established, our team engages with stakeholders, prepares submissions, and publishes our position papers for circulation.
VACCHO Budget Submissions
VACCHO calls on the Victorian Government to invest in the ACCO sector to further the Government’s commitment to self-determination and enhancing the delivery of health and wellbeing through ACCOs. VACCHO’s 2025-2026 State budget submission prioritises eight projects that will deliver value for money and uplift the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal Victorians.
VACCHO calls on the Federal Government to demonstrate its commitment to enhancing the health and wellbeing of Victoria’s 79,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by increasing investment in the sector. VACCHO’s 2025-2026 Federal Budget submission focuses on five key projects that will to that.
VACCHO's Yoorrook Submission
VACCHO has submitted its comprehensive health submission to the Yoorrook Justice Commission’s inquiry addressing systemic injustices faced by Aboriginal communities in healthcare, education, and housing.
Federal and State Election Budget Summaries
The 2024-25 Victorian State Budget announced a number of changes that will affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health initiatives.
VACCHO acknowledges the Victorian Government’s decision to prioritise families in the 2024-25 State Budget, however, it falls short of providing the concrete commitment needed to support Aboriginal organisations who champion Aboriginal culture to keep families strong.
VACCHO urges the Federal Government to walk the talk, demonstrate real ambition, and provide meaningful support to empower ACCOs to build strong families, and support thriving, healthy Communities.
The 2024-2025 Federal Budget lacks vision, drive and the concrete support for Aboriginal Communities in Victoria. This budget is another one that fails to deliver solutions to Close the Gap.
Mental Health
Children & Families
Other Drugs
VACCHO’s Advisory Groups and Forums
Coalition for Aboriginal Health Equality Victoria (CAHEV)
Working to ensure that the commitments of the Statement of Intent to Close the Gap in Indigenous Health Outcomes are met.
National Advisory Group for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aged Care (NAGATSIAC)
Advocates on aged care policies, programs and services for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Victorian Advisory Council on Koori Health (VACKH)
VACKH was established to bring together on a regular and formal basis, representatives responsible for state-wide Aboriginal health issues in Victoria.
Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Partnership Forum
A strategic collaboration between the Aboriginal Community-controlled health sector, the mainstream health sector and the Victorian Department of Health
Victorian Aboriginal Ear & Speech Health Group (VAESH)
VAESH meet regularly to discuss ear/hearing and speech concerns and challenges currently faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Victoria.
Victorian Committee for Aboriginal Aged Care and Disability (VCAACD)
The Victorian reference group for staff in organisations providing Home and Community Care (HACC) services to Aboriginal people.
Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum
Connecting Aboriginal Community members to key decision makers across government so they can address family violence issues together.
Latest Policy and Advocacy News

VACCHO calls on all governments to take urgent action on the ‘Bringing them Home’ report recommendations
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Leaders meet with Minister O’Neil to discuss serious state of Aboriginal housing and homelessness in Victoria
Today Aboriginal leaders met with the Federal Minister for Housing and Homelessness Clare O'Neil, to discuss the...

‘Not a date to celebrate’: VACCHO proudly supports petition to Government
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VACCHO Launches the Victorian ACCO Model at Parliament House
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The Voice Referendum One Year On: VACCHO Remains Committed to Advocating for Aboriginal Rights and Recognition
Today marks the anniversary of the failed Voice to Parliament referendum, and for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait...

VACCHO Hosts its Second Community Question Time Ahead of Frankston Council Election
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VACCHO outraged by Governments potential backflip on raising the age of criminal responsibility
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Coronial inquest: Joshua Kerr was another preventable Aboriginal death in custody
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Victoria’s Raise the Age Announcement ‘A Step Forward’ – But Bolder Action Needed
The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) welcomes yesterday’s announcement by the...

2024-25 Victorian State Budget a Mixed Bag for Aboriginal Communities and Families
VACCHO acknowledges the Victorian Government’s decision to prioritise families in the 2024-25 State Budget. However,...