Aged Care
Aged Care is a key focus area for VACCHO. VACCHO and its Members are concerned that many elements of the aged care system are not working for, or meeting the needs of Aboriginal Elders, families and communities across Victoria.
A number of VACCHO’s Members provide aged care services, which allow older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Victoria to live independently and safely, including home care packages and residential aged care. Our Members also provide a range of primary health care services directed to older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their families.
VACCHO’s work in the aged care space is informed by decades of experience and knowledge from senior Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who know what is required to deliver care, dignity, and respect for older people and Elders.
Older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities are less likely to access aged care services than other non-Aboriginal demographics. In fact, older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are assessed at half the rate of the general population. (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing Advisory Group, Australian Association of Gerontology, (2019), p.2 Submission to the Royal Commission)
Key Work:
- In March 2021, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (Royal Commission) delivered its Final Report Care, Dignity and Respect. The Final Report laid bare the systemic failure of the aged care system to respect and care for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
- VACCHO currently auspices and chairs the Victorian Committee for Aboriginal Aged Care and Disability (VCAACD)Â
- VACCHO is an active participant in the National Advisory Group for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aged Care (NAGATSIAC)
Key documents, submission and position papers.
National Advisory Group for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aged Care (NAGATSIAC)
Victorian Committee for Aboriginal Aged Care and Disability (VCAACD)
Centre for Excellence for Aboriginal Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Our Vision: On Solid Ground